Stacked keywords for different loan types

Judge Lending Professionals

The truth about getting a loan by an owner of a small business versus an employee Small Business is reported as the back bone and employer of so many Australians in our Cities and Regional areas. Though they do not get the same benefits employees receive in the pursuit of income analysis. Good or bad, … Continued

Dice spelling rebate on Euro notes and coins.

NSW Payroll Tax Rebate – Jobs Action Plan

Is your business currently looking for new hires? Did you know that there is an NSW government initiative designed to encourage NSW businesses to hire employees & grow?  So if you’re planning to hire a new employee, you might want to check out this article so your business won’t be missing out on up to … Continued

Sailing ship navigating rough seas during storm

What is Loss Aversion Fallacy?

Sometimes it’s good to lose Many investors have thought to themselves; “if I never realise a paper loss I never really lose, I’ll just wait until the market improves and then sell my shares/fund/house”- not so fast, if you’ve ever caught yourself thinking this you may have fallen victim to what’s known as the ‘Loss … Continued

Two piggy banks on stacked coins.

Financial Broker…Redefined

Reported interest rates are at all-time lows in Australia: What should borrowers consider? Many do not know enough to make an informed decision – stay or leave. When do I have time to sort through the large information source? A Finance Broker is knowledgeable in these areas and can easily organize the required information a … Continued

Gavel near small house on block, symbolising property auction.

Treasury Laws Amendment Bill impact property investors

Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 2017 On the 7th of September 2017, Treasury Laws Amendment (Housing Tax Integrity) Bill 2017 was introduced into parliament. It included legislation changes which will negatively affect residential property investors across Australia. Announced in the 2017 Federal Budget, the amendment denies tax deductions for the decline in value of‘previously used’ depreciating … Continued

Modern home with pool at sunset view

Planning on buying that dream house?

So, you’re looking to purchase a house, this could be your largest purchase to date for either a place to call home or an investment property. The pathway ahead can be very tiring and confusing for you as the journey to home ownership begins. Good thing there are local Financial Advisers who can alleviate some … Continued

Calculator and signed document on table

Protect Yourself From Illegal Activity

Illegal phoenix activity is a serious crime and may result in company officers (directors and secretaries) being imprisoned. It affects hundreds of Australian workers every year.  Employees are usually left with unpaid wages and entitlements and creditors are left with nothing but debt. This activity is becoming alarming now because it’s been reported that phoenixing … Continued

Chalkboard listing retirement plan steps.

Complete Stress-Free Retirement Checklist

Before you retire you’re going to want to make sure you’ve everything taken care of. Here is a retirement checklist to help you plan and enjoy your retirement. Keyword(s): Retirement checklist With stark warnings that many Australians aren’t saving enough for their retirement, a proper retirement checklist could help you avoid the pitfalls and plan ahead. You’ve … Continued

Hand holding task force card.

Crackdown On Employer Non-Compliance

The Turnbull Government announced that they will provide the ATO with additional funding for a Superannuation Guarantee Taskforce. The taskforce will crackdown on employer non-compliance. The ATO released a media statement on 29 August that the super guarantee gap for the 2014-15 year is estimated to be $2.85 billion, which represents 5.2% of the total … Continued

Hand holding paper house on grass with trees.

First Home Super Saver Scheme – Draft Legislation

Are you sick and tired of paying your rent that makes your landlord rich and does nothing for your future? Thinking of buying your first home but you don’t have the money for a home deposit yet? We have good news for you! The Australian government has announced the First Home Super Saver Scheme in … Continued

Investment analysis charts with notebook and calculator.

5 Smart Ways to Invest Your Company Tax Return

Expecting a large company tax return? This is a great opportunity to re-invest in your business. Here are 5 ways you can use your return to deliver results. As with any investment, the more you put into your small business, the greater the output will be. That’s why it’s important to think carefully about where you … Continued

Aerial view of suburban Australian neighbourhood.

Is now the right time to be investing in property?

When it comes to markets, the basics are supply and demand. However, these all-encompassing terms are nuanced. Depending on your location or property type, the factors that drive demand can be wide and varied. The team at Judge in conjunction with Capital Property Advisers, will provide an insight on what drives demand in their particular … Continued

Colleagues discussing documents at laptops.

2017 Federal Budget Analysis

First home savers, downsizers and small business are the winners in Treasurer Scott Morrison’s second Budget – while taxpayers face an increase in the Medicare levy. Note: These changes are proposals only and may or may not be made law Superannuation Contributions from downsizing the home Date of effect: 1 July 2018 Individuals aged 65 … Continued

Family playing beach cricket on a sunny day.

Getting more from your 30s and 40s

If you’re in your thirties or forties, chances are you’re juggling a career, kids, a mortgage and home improvements – yet amongst these financial responsibilities lie opportunities to get more from your money, according to Matthew McCabe* from Judge Financial Planning. “It’s common to feel stretched at this stage of life with seemingly endless bills … Continued

Elderly couple enjoying scenic lake view together.

Get a smart Will

As the saying goes where there’s a Will there’s a way! When it comes to leaving things for your family it needs to be a smart Will, otherwise, the tax man could end up being your largest beneficiary. “Family succession planning is a strategy to control the way your estate is passed onto your beneficiaries … Continued

Pink piggy bank with coin inserted on top.

Where did all the money go?

Busting the top 5 myths about sorting your finances Wondering where all your money goes is common: no matter how much you earn, it seems like there’s never enough and it just seems to vanish. By putting your finances in the right place you can get rid of that feeling, go further and achieve more. … Continued

Modern house with garden and blue sky

Self-managed super funds now gearing into the property market

Many investors know the attraction of negative gearing for property investment. And a number of years ago, super rule changes opened up the way for self-managed super funds (SMSFs) to access this powerful investment strategy.  Matthew McCabe* from Judge Financial Planning commented on the surge in interest from many SMSF clients. “It’s not that surprising … Continued

Hands forming a rectangle over wheat field

2017 Federal Budget – Penrith Seminar

The Turnbull Government is set to deliver the Federal Budget on Tuesday 9th May 2017, which will outline the economic and fiscal outlook for Australia. It will illustrate the Government’s social and political priorities, and how the Government intends to achieve these. Judge Accounting & Judge Financial Planning will be holding a briefing to support … Continued

Businessman holding small house model.

Make your money work smarter

With most things in life, the more you put in, the more you’re likely to get in return. So if you could put more money into investing, imagine what the results could be.   You might feel like you don’t have any more money to invest. But what about the potential lying dormant in the … Continued

Café staff smiling behind counter with coffee machine

Minding your own business

From one successful local business to another, Judge Financial Planning would like to inform you of the critical need to insure your business against life’s unexpected mishaps. After all, whether your business is your “pride and joy” or simply “a means to an end”, it’s your livelihood so it pays to protect it. Can you … Continued

Modern house with pool and outdoor seating

Self-managed super and property

Self-managed super funds have become a popular way for Australians to build their retirement savings. In fact they’re now the fastest growing segment of the superannuation market, with over one million of us now counted as members of an SMSF.^ Those members collectively hold more than half a billion dollars in superannuation assets, approximately 16% … Continued