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SMSF property tax compliance on ATO radar

Buying an investment property through a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) offers potential tax benefits, including a concessional tax rate of 15%. At the same time, navigating the tax complexities attached to an SMSF can lead to errors on your income tax return.Many rental property owners are getting their returns wrong, which has attracted attention from … Continued

Café staff smiling behind counter with coffee machine

Successful Small Businesses

International research has suggested that the following characteristics consistently play a role in successful small businesses: 1. Owners leading by example The owner or manager leads by example. He or she is usually the first to arrive, the last to leave. The owner knows everyone by name and their presence is obvious. They show a … Continued

Australian budget paper for 2014-15.

Budget Update

Judge Accountants Federal Budget Update The 2016 Budget was always going to be interesting. On one hand, the Government wished to use this Budget as their policy platform for the coming election and on the other hand, a budget deficit exists that needs to eventually be reduced.  We have a summary of the budget on our … Continued