Budget Update
Judge Accountants Federal Budget Update
The 2016 Budget was always going to be interesting. On one hand, the Government wished to use this Budget as their policy platform for the coming election and on the other hand, a budget deficit exists that needs to eventually be reduced.
We have a summary of the budget on our website for your perusal.
However, for those looking to be more proactive and get a better understanding on how the budget changes will impact you, your family & your business, we are holding an update next week to go more in-depth.
During the update we will be focusing on;
– the benefits provided to small businesses and how you can take advantage of these opportunities
– the significant changes to superannuation, what affect this will have on your retirement and how we can work together to ensure you remain on track
Make a note in your calendar for Tuesday, May 10 at 5pm when Barclay Judge, Director of Judge Accountants, will provide an insightful presentation on this year’s budget and the affect it may have on you, your family & your business.
Update details
Date – Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Time – 5 pm for 5.15 pm start
Location – Suite 7, 488 High St, Penrith NSW 2750
Light refreshments will be provided.
Click Here to Register
We are looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday.
The Team at Judge Accountants