Tax planning for profit maximisation strategies

Tax Planning Strategies for Maximising Your Profits

Tax planning is essential to ensuring that your business minimises its tax liabilities and maximises the benefits that can be accrued. It also helps your business remain compliant with relevant regulations and tax laws, while also reducing the stress involved with managing your tax obligations during tax season.This is why, every year, Judge Accountants provides … Continued

Superhero figures with property portfolio dream team text.

Nine experts to have on your property investment team

Building a successful property investment portfolio requires careful planning and expertise. While property investing in Australia is popular, it’s not without its challenges. To navigate the complexities and maximise your returns, assembling a knowledgeable team is crucial. Here are the key experts you should include. 1. Accountant and/or Financial Adviser: These professionals help you manage … Continued

Egg labeled super on Australian dollar notes.

Changes to superannuation tax breaks for 2023

You have probably heard the recent Labour announcement earlier this week of significant changes to super that may impact you. On 28th February 2023, the government announced that from 1st July 2025 a 30% concessional tax rate will be applied to future earnings for superannuation balances above $3 million. As of yet, this cap has … Continued

Parliament House Canberra illuminated at night

The Federal Budget 2020-21

As anticipated the Government has delivered a budget with measures aimed at reviving the economy and creating jobs.  In a budget that is encouraging spending on many levels, there are loads of tax-related measures for business, as well as several positives for individuals.  We wanted to give you a summary of all the measures that … Continued

Aerial view of suburban houses in Perth, Australia.

Mortgage Holiday Deadline Looms

Are you one of more than 800,000 Australians who have opted to defer repaying your home loan due to the COVID-19 pandemic? The deadline to resume mortgage payments is fast approaching. Your lender may have contacted you to ask if you are able to recommence paying your loan at the end of the six-month deferral … Continued

House keychain beside model home on table.

Government HomeBuilder Stimulus Package

You may have heard about the new Government HomeBuilder Stimulus package and be wondering if you could benefit?  HomeBuilder provides eligible owner-occupiers (including first home buyers) with a grant of $25,000 to build a new home or substantially renovate an existing home. HomeBuilder will assist the residential construction market by encouraging the commencement of new … Continued

Barista man pouring a coffee

JobKeeper Payments

Are you aware of the new Government JobKeeper Payments and how they affect you and your business, or you as an employee? What is the JobKeeper Payment? Businesses impacted by COVID-19 may be eligible to access a subsidy to assist with paying employees. The Government will provide a fortnightly payment of $1,500 per eligible employee, … Continued

Hands holding glowing light bulb.

Government Stimulus and Free Webinar

The Government has announced a second round of stimulus that is significantly larger than what was proposed two weeks ago, to assist businesses through the economic shocks of COVID-19. The measures currently in place are as follows: Boosting Cash Flow for Employers    This stimulus measure has been enhanced with eligible businesses now able to receive … Continued

Business meeting with laptops and notes.

Coronavirus COVID-19: Support for your business

The Coronavirus outbreak: COVID-19, is wreaking havoc across the nation, leaving business owners around Australia counting costs. Fortunately, the government have put measures in place to support our economy and assist business owners with their cash flow during this difficult time. Cash flow boost for employers Businesses with an aggregated annual turnover under $50 million, … Continued

Friends enjoying a sunny outdoor barbecue together.

5 Habits From Financially Secure People

Ever looked at a friend who has everything together and thought ‘what’s their secret?’ Here are five habits you can implement to achieve financial security.  Believe it or not, being secure financially doesn’t involve magic or an outrageous stroke of luck.  More often than not, it results from good habits, such as keeping track of … Continued

Woman strategically thinking while holding a pen

What determines the cost of an insurance policy?

There are a number of factors that determine the cost of an insurance policy. A cheap life insurance or income protection insurance policy doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an inferior one, and by the same token, the most expensive policy may not be the best to suit your needs.  The price of an insurance policy is … Continued

Couple reviewing bills at kitchen table

Household Debts’ Level in Australia

Fuelled house prices and low interest rates, the level of personal debt in Australia is high compared to many other countries The largest proportion of this debt is often used to purchase a valuable asset – the family home. With careful planning, you might be able to control your household debt and use it to … Continued

Smiling woman assists man with arm weights exercise.

Why it’s Important to consider Critical Illness Cover

What is Critical Illness cover? Critical Illness cover provides a lump sum payment if you’re diagnosed with a life-changing or terminal disease. It is then up to you to choose how you use this payment – to cover medical expenses, the cost of being unable to work, or to pay your household bills. Why is … Continued

Group of people smiling while walking

Life Insurance for All Ages

Covered at every age Do you still have the same haircut you had when you were in school? Is your breakfast choice based on which cereal box has the coolest mascots on it? Are you still wearing your high school jumper to the gym? If your answer to any of these questions was a horrified … Continued

A family lying down on floor

Stepped and Level Premiums: What’s the difference?

When it comes to protecting your family, knowledge is not just power – it’s security. You have a choice when it comes to paying premiums: stepped or level. But what does that mean and which one is right for you? There is no one-size-fits-all answer as both policies will be suitable for different types of … Continued

A boy playing under the sun's exposure

What is your Risk Tolerance and Why?

Risk is inherent in investing and there is no one size fits all approach to managing and dealing with risk. What keeps you awake at night might be well within someone else’s comfort level. The central principal of investing is the higher the risk of a particular investment, the higher the possible return. Of course … Continued

Man holding tiny books, coins, house, clock, and bulb in its two hands

Self Employed? Protect your Income

There are over two million self-employed Australians in the workforce today. Running your own business can be rewarding in many ways. However, without the safety nets and security offered by larger corporations, it’s important to consider financial protection as part of essential business planning.  When small business owners think about their insurance needs, they immediately … Continued

A family of four happily enjoying the sun outside

Wishing to apply for a Home loan?

What items do you need to organise before attending a loan appointment? Most lenders tend to have similar processes to enable assessing client’s loan applications. As a result, leads to similar original documents being proved to enable the loan application process is not stalled, once lodged. The following lists are a starting guide for gathering … Continued

A tiny house, sack, plants, jars, and coins

Choosing Between a Mortgage Broker and a Bank

Banks are everywhere.. Why not go straight to a bank? Of course, you can go to a bank, but this can be more difficult than it sounds. Australia is indeed the lucky country.  We are blessed for choice when it comes to the amount of competition that exists across the mortgage market.  With so many … Continued

A pink piglet with glasses and a calculator

Do depreciation deductions apply to you?

Owners of income producing properties are eligible to claim tax deductions for a number of expenses involved in holding a property. Most investors are aware of some of the deductions they are entitled to; for example, they know they can claim their Property Manager’s fees, council rates and any repairs and maintenance costs. However, all … Continued

Stacked keywords for different loan types

Judge Lending Professionals

The truth about getting a loan by an owner of a small business versus an employee Small Business is reported as the back bone and employer of so many Australians in our Cities and Regional areas. Though they do not get the same benefits employees receive in the pursuit of income analysis. Good or bad, … Continued

Sailing ship navigating rough seas during storm

What is Loss Aversion Fallacy?

Sometimes it’s good to lose Many investors have thought to themselves; “if I never realise a paper loss I never really lose, I’ll just wait until the market improves and then sell my shares/fund/house”- not so fast, if you’ve ever caught yourself thinking this you may have fallen victim to what’s known as the ‘Loss … Continued

Chalkboard listing retirement plan steps.

Complete Stress-Free Retirement Checklist

Before you retire you’re going to want to make sure you’ve everything taken care of. Here is a retirement checklist to help you plan and enjoy your retirement. Keyword(s): Retirement checklist With stark warnings that many Australians aren’t saving enough for their retirement, a proper retirement checklist could help you avoid the pitfalls and plan ahead. You’ve … Continued

Hand holding paper house on grass with trees.

First Home Super Saver Scheme – Draft Legislation

Are you sick and tired of paying your rent that makes your landlord rich and does nothing for your future? Thinking of buying your first home but you don’t have the money for a home deposit yet? We have good news for you! The Australian government has announced the First Home Super Saver Scheme in … Continued