Home and key symbol on green background

SMSF property tax compliance on ATO radar

Buying an investment property through a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) offers potential tax benefits, including a concessional tax rate of 15%. At the same time, navigating the tax complexities attached to an SMSF can lead to errors on your income tax return.Many rental property owners are getting their returns wrong, which has attracted attention from … Continued

Warehouse vs residential lending comparison image.

Commercial versus residential property investing

Commercial properties, such as offices, retail outlets and warehouses, typically provide higher rental yields and longer lease terms. This can result in more stable income and less frequent tenant turnover.But, commercial investments often require higher capital outlays for the initial purchase and ongoing maintenance, due to their larger size and complex systems like air conditioning … Continued

Piggy bank and bag for sensible investing.

Unlocking the benefits of sensible investing

It’s not about making money, it’s about making money work for you. Investing can be the first important step to achieving your best possible financial future. It can mean additional income and opportunities to grow wealth. If you’ve come into extra funds or have been fortunate to receive an inheritance, there is desire to spend a … Continued

Comparing property depreciation benefits, new vs established.

Depreciation benefits in new vs established investment properties

Both new and established investment properties attract depreciation deductions for their owners, however, there are differences in what owners are eligible to claim. Here, BMT Tax Depreciation outlines the differences in depreciation eligibility between new and established investment properties. Depreciation overview Depreciation is the natural wear and tear of a property and the assets within … Continued

Business meeting with laptops and notes.

Coronavirus COVID-19: Support for your business

The Coronavirus outbreak: COVID-19, is wreaking havoc across the nation, leaving business owners around Australia counting costs. Fortunately, the government have put measures in place to support our economy and assist business owners with their cash flow during this difficult time. Cash flow boost for employers Businesses with an aggregated annual turnover under $50 million, … Continued

Key in lock with house-shaped keychain

Claim Property Depreciation This Financial Year

Property depreciation deductions can make a significant difference to any investment property owner’s cash flow. Despite this, of all the deductions available to be claimed by investors, depreciation is the most often missed. Every property investor can benefit from learning more about depreciation and discovering the process involved in finding out what deductions are available … Continued

Model house on table with saving jars.

3 Emerging Trends in Property Investment

What will 2019 hold for the property market? We look at some of the biggest trends we’re likely to see in the year ahead. Investors seeking regional areas over metropolitan As property price growth continues to slow in Sydney and Melbourne, there is an increasing demand for regional properties by investors due to more affordable … Continued

Ethereum and Bitcoin pendulum concept.

Cryptocurrencies – Clarified!

Recently, we’ve experienced an increase in clients coming to us with queries on cryptocurrencies. Many clients ask, “what are the practical issues that can arise when investing in crypto?” These ‘issues’ often occur in two areas of the cryptocurrency market: When exchanging one cryptocurrency for anotherRecord-keeping requirements relating to cryptocurrency transactions. Exchanging one cryptocurrency for another When … Continued

Sailing ship navigating rough seas during storm

What is Loss Aversion Fallacy?

Sometimes it’s good to lose Many investors have thought to themselves; “if I never realise a paper loss I never really lose, I’ll just wait until the market improves and then sell my shares/fund/house”- not so fast, if you’ve ever caught yourself thinking this you may have fallen victim to what’s known as the ‘Loss … Continued

Aerial view of suburban Australian neighbourhood.

Is now the right time to be investing in property?

When it comes to markets, the basics are supply and demand. However, these all-encompassing terms are nuanced. Depending on your location or property type, the factors that drive demand can be wide and varied. The team at Judge in conjunction with Capital Property Advisers, will provide an insight on what drives demand in their particular … Continued

Financial portal interface on desktop computer screen

Judge Personal Wealth Portal

We support a plethora of clients from a range of differing backgrounds. We have seen over the years that when clients come to us for advice, they find it difficult to account for where all their wealth is, where their wealth has gone, or what their wealth is invested in. To support our clients, we … Continued

Man holding model house, real estate concept.

Negative Gearing

For $35 per week, you could own an investment property too! This is a great case study by BMT Tax Depreciation on the benefits of owning an investment property. Owning an investment property can be far more affordable for potential investors than they think, particularly when they claim all of the tax deductions available to … Continued

Interest rates decreasing with red arrow

Interest Rates: Where To Next?

With home loan interest rates reaching record lows I am receiving questions from clients on a daily basis about their mortgages and business loans.  Whether you should have a fixed or variable loan, and offset account or a basic mortgage, and the tax impacts of negative gearing are all dependent on your personal circumstances and … Continued