Man holding model house, real estate concept.

Negative Gearing

For $35 per week, you could own an investment property too! This is a great case study by BMT Tax Depreciation on the benefits of owning an investment property. Owning an investment property can be far more affordable for potential investors than they think, particularly when they claim all of the tax deductions available to … Continued

Person holding question mark with web domain

Domain Names For Your Business

How To Find A Domain Name For Your Business Domain names play a key role in how visitors to your website identify your business. This is precisely why you should spend sufficient time finding the domain name that best suits your brand. But finding a suitable name for your website is not always as simple as … Continued

3D figure pushing red arrow, driving efficiency, increasing revenue.

Efficient Business Systems

Efficient Business Systems Really Pay Off Too many businesses fall over because the owner has not established efficient business systems. This typically happens because the business owner is so caught up in the day-to day running of the business that the fundamentals of good business management get forgotten. Often too it must be said that … Continued

Figure carrying large debt weight symbol.

Paying Down Debt

Paying Down Debt Debt can be a crippling problem for small businesses wanting to grow or just break-even during difficult times. By reducing debt you’ll improve the value of your business, its financial situation, and its ability to continue operating into the future. Assess your debt situation Take a detailed look at all of your … Continued

Billboard: Affordable business advertising strategies

Advertising Your Business

5 Cost Effective Ways to Advertise Your Business Advertising is an essential component of success for any business. Proper advertising ensures more sales, but if you choose the wrong options, it can be a very expensive proposition. Let’s look at five ways you can reduce your business’s advertising expenditure without affecting your results. Referrals A referral … Continued

Calendar reminder for tax time on 30th.

Tax Planning for Year End

Year End Tax Planning Now is the time to act and focus on your tax and financial planning in order to minimise tax, reduce risk, and be prepared financially for the year ahead. Effective tax planning is something that should be considered year round and by making it a priority could result in you paying … Continued

Networking and business concept with keywords.


The True Value of Networking There are all kinds of groups dedicated to networking. Some are highly structured with performance requirements, exclusive membership, and the payment of dues. Others are free form, come as you please and no charge. Not every group is right for every kind of business. You will find that some groups … Continued

3D figure pushing KPI blocks.

KPIs for Business Performance

  KPIs to Monitor and Improve Business Performance The key performance indicators (KPIs) for one company will invariably be different from the KPIs of another firm. What both hypothetical companies share however, is the challenge of selecting which KPIs are best suited for measuring the goals and progress of their particular business model.  Indeed, entrepreneurs … Continued

Habits to Avoid as an Entrepreneur

Surprisingly Destructive Habits You Should Avoid as an Entrepreneur Entrepreneurs want to have their hands on every aspect of their start-up. This is understandable, as many entrepreneurs come into their respective industries from a place of passion. Their passion will drive them to spend long nights at the office, working hard every hour of every … Continued

Australian budget paper for 2014-15.

Budget 2015

The big winners from Joe Hockey’s 2015 Budget are small business owners. With tax cuts on business income and the ability to immediately write-off business assets up to $20,000, small business owners have a lot to be happy about. Other people in the community were hit hard with this Budget, with overall spending cuts to … Continued

Interest rates decreasing with red arrow

Interest Rates: Where To Next?

With home loan interest rates reaching record lows I am receiving questions from clients on a daily basis about their mortgages and business loans.  Whether you should have a fixed or variable loan, and offset account or a basic mortgage, and the tax impacts of negative gearing are all dependent on your personal circumstances and … Continued

Business Benchmarking and Performance Review


What is Business Benchmarking? Benchmarking your business will give you insight into how your business is performing relative to your competitors. Through benchmarking you will gain an understanding of your competitive position, your business strengths and weaknesses, and develop a process for making changes to your business which improve profits. The benefits of benchmarking are that … Continued