Family playing beach cricket on a sunny day.

Review your risk

With the festive season here, you may looking forward to enjoying what we can only hope will be a glorious summer of sunshine, friends, family, food and time in the great outdoors. If you are planning long lazy days to recharge your batteries in preparation for the new year, it might also be a good … Continued

Gift box made of $100 notes with ribbon.

Making the most of your bonus!

At this time of the year, some of us are fortunate enough to be in ‘bonus’ discussions with our employer. If you are gearing up to receive a bonus this year, there is certainly no shortage of possibilities of what to do with it. Save or splurge? Christmas is just around the corner as is … Continued

Elderly couple reviewing documents with a calculator.

Don’t get caught offside when the pension rules change

The commencement of 2017 will see some significant changes to means testing for Social Security pensions (including the Age Pension). Uncertainty around income can be unsettling for those receiving a pension or considering retirement. That’s why it’s important to understand if and how you might be impacted by the new rules so that you can … Continued

Person using a calculator on a desk.

Fringe Benefit Tax Rules

With the legislative changes for FBT implemented as  of 1 April 2016, it is important to get familiar with the new regulations. Some modifications have been made to salary sacrificed meal entertainment and entertainment facility leasing expense benefits, which may affect you. Some of the changes will affect all employers, whereas others will affect non-profit employers as … Continued

Person typing on laptop with gadgets nearby.

7 Ways to Improve Workplace Productivity

The success of any business, large or small, depends largely on nurturing an efficient, productive workplace. While improving employee productivity should be always be a priority when the ultimate goal is a sustainable and profitable business, the process is easier said than done. Below are some of the most effective methods of managing a productive, … Continued

Modern house with garden and blue sky

Buyers to Withhold Tax for ATO When Buying Certain Properties

Parliament recently passed legislation amending the taxation law to impose withholding obligations on the purchasers of certain Australian assets – generally property purchased from a non-resident.  However, the changes will affect most purchases of property in Australia. The amendments impose a 10% withholding obligation on purchasers of ‘Taxable Australian Real Property’ (generally, this means an … Continued

Person using calculator and laptop for work

Holiday Homes: All You Need to Know

If you own a holiday home, it is important that it is treated correctly for taxation purposes. Here is a guide to the taxation implications of your holiday home. Holiday homes that are not rented out do not need to be included in your tax return, until you sell it. You must keep records from … Continued

Person using smartphone and laptop together.

How To Claim Tax Deductions in Australia

It’s heartbreaking to think how much of your salary goes to tax, right? I believe every income earner feels the same. Of course, you would want to keep more of the money that you’ve earned and pay lesser tax as much as possible. But paying taxes is the law. More so, it is our obligation. … Continued

Sunny beach with umbrella and deck chairs.

Are you on track to enjoy your retirement?

For many people, the decision around when to retire can be one of the most exciting, yet daunting, times of their lives. There are a number of strategies you can employ now, whatever your age, that may help you fulfil your retirement dreams. When should I retire? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer, as the … Continued

Silhouetted figures walking along a serene beach at sunset.

Estate Planning – from my own experience

Matthew McCabe, Financial Adviser, Judge Financial Planning Over 4 years ago, I lost one of my closest friends. Scott was a diesel mechanic in the mines, on good money and with the world at his feet. He supported his fiancé and her three kids, like they were his own. He was an extraordinary man. They had planned to wed … Continued

Smiling women hugging at the beach

Understanding Aged Care

Matthew McCabe, Financial Planner and Retirement Specialist at Judge Financial Planning The emotional and financial upheaval of moving a family member into residential aged care is a daunting experience. If the complexities involved seem overwhelming, then perhaps our professional advice can help. There is a maze of legislation, entitlements and Centrelink assessments to contend with, … Continued

Age Pension Changes

After being first announced in the 2015 Federal Budget, there are some changes to the age pension that will come into effect on 1 January 2017. Here Matthew McCabe from Judge Financial Planning looks at what an increase or decrease in pension will mean, especially those that could have their pension entitlement removed completely. What … Continued

Australian property market cycle, September 2016.

Property Update – September 2016

When it comes to markets, the basics are supply and demand, however these all-encompassing terms are nuanced. Depending on your location or property type, the factors that drive demand can be wide and varied. The team at ‘Herron Todd White’ provide an insight on what drives demand in their particular patches. Sydney The factors that … Continued

Wooden blocks spelling the word 'SUPER'.

Superannuation changes

Following on from proposed superannuation changes announced in the Federal Budget in May 2016, the Government has just announced the following amendments;The proposed $500,000 lifetime non-concessional cap will be replaced by a new measure to reduce the existing annual non-concessional contributions cap from $180,000 per year to $100,000 per year; Opportunity: This does not come into … Continued

Financial portal interface on desktop computer screen

Judge Personal Wealth Portal

We support a plethora of clients from a range of differing backgrounds. We have seen over the years that when clients come to us for advice, they find it difficult to account for where all their wealth is, where their wealth has gone, or what their wealth is invested in. To support our clients, we … Continued

Café staff smiling behind counter with coffee machine

Successful Small Businesses

International research has suggested that the following characteristics consistently play a role in successful small businesses: 1. Owners leading by example The owner or manager leads by example. He or she is usually the first to arrive, the last to leave. The owner knows everyone by name and their presence is obvious. They show a … Continued

Man carrying office items in a box

Redundancy planning

Redundancy can be a traumatic event. It’s a challenge emotionally and financially and there are some big decisions required to help you make the most of your redundancy payout and get in control of your life and future direction. Making the wrong decision can be costly The truth is that many people can become overwhelmed … Continued

Business Benchmarking and Performance Review

Writing Performance Reviews

The performance review has become a rite of passage in the business world, yet many managers and employees fail to make the most of the opportunities these important discussions can provide. When used successfully, the annual review process can provide managers with insight into everything from employee perception of the company to ways to make … Continued

Australian budget paper for 2014-15.

Budget Update

Judge Accountants Federal Budget Update The 2016 Budget was always going to be interesting. On one hand, the Government wished to use this Budget as their policy platform for the coming election and on the other hand, a budget deficit exists that needs to eventually be reduced.  We have a summary of the budget on our … Continued

Federal Budget Update

The Federal Budget

The 2016 Budget was always going to be interesting. On one hand the Liberal Party wished to use this Budget as their policy platform for the coming election, and on the other hand, a budget deficit exists that needs to be eventually reduced. This Budget achieves its objectives of providing a few tax ‘perks’, whilst also increasing taxes … Continued

Reserve Bank of Australia building exterior.

RBA cuts interest rates to 1.75%

The Reserve Bank of Australia has moved to head off fears about deflation, cutting its official cash rate by 25 basis points to a historic low of 1.75 per cent. Key points: Cut influenced by core inflation rate of 1.5pc — lowest reading on record If cut fully passed on, it would mean a $43-a-month … Continued

Cafe staff talking at counter with pastries displayed.

NSW Small Business Grant

Are you a small business in NSW? Have you recently or are you thinking of hiring an employee for a new job? If so, you may be eligible for the NSW Small Business Grant. The NSW Small Business Grant is designed to encourage small businesses that do not pay payroll tax to employ new full-time, … Continued

Man holding model house, real estate concept.

Negative Gearing

For $35 per week, you could own an investment property too! This is a great case study by BMT Tax Depreciation on the benefits of owning an investment property. Owning an investment property can be far more affordable for potential investors than they think, particularly when they claim all of the tax deductions available to … Continued